Friday, April 17, 2020

Science - Rubric and Scientific Issues Research

In class today, you will be starting your Self-Assessment Debate Rubrics and exploring some current scientific issues. There are so many current science issues that need attention. Today you are going to spend a little time doing some research to find a scientific issue that you care about. It might be cleaner energy, genetic engineering or protecting National Parks.


1. MAKE A COPY and COMPLETE part of the Self-Assessment Debate Rubric

If you participated in a debate this week, you will complete the first THREE sections of this rubric (preparation, speech, rebuttal). If you were listening to the other group's debate you will complete the LAST section of the rubric (audience) Please save your rubric as you will complete the other portion next week.

2. READ at least 2 of the articles below to explore some current scientific issues. You may want to do more of your own research too!

3. CREATE a list of 5 - 8 current scientific issues that you are interested in exploring further on a Google Doc.

There might be MANY scientific issues that appeal to you, but try to narrow down your topic choices. After the debates, you will be having discussions in class where you will be sharing your opinions and hearing the thoughts of your classmates. You will eventually end up focussing on ONE topics only. 

4. TURN IN your list of scientific issues to the MS Science Google Classroom by 5pm TODAY.

Be sure to click "submit" to make sure your work gets properly turned in.

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