Tuesday, September 23, 2014

7th Grade - Studying for Test

You all did a great job in class today practicing and reviewing the material you learned on factors and multiples.  Your test will be take during Math class tomorrow.  You should be studying and practicing tonight in preparation for the test.  Below are suggested questions from your text book that you can work on while you are studying.  You are not expected to finish all of the suggested problems.  However, the more you practice, the more confident you will be.  You may check your answers to make sure you are on the right track.

Suggested Problems:
Exercise 1.2 (page 8) #3
Exercise 1.3 (page 12) #1 and 2 (b, d, f)
Exercise 1.4 (page 16) #1 (b, d, f, h)
Exercise 1.5 (page 20) #1 and 2 (b, d, f)

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