Friday, October 3, 2014

7th Grade - Mathematics Great Work

Today, I talked to the you about your independent math projects.  As your math teacher. I want you to be excited for math!  To love math and learn that math is all around us.  As a Montessori student, you've been in a school that celebrates your differences, pushes you to find your own passions in life and asks you to find motivation within yourself.  

You have been given a questionnaire that I want you to fill out with a lot of thought and reflection.  You will hand it in to me on Monday, and over the course of the next 2 weeks, I will have meetings with each of you to come up with your Mathematics Great Work by looking at your interests and passions.  This will be an on-going project that will be independent, self-guided, and will be done along with our regular 7th grade math curriculum.  It may be tough to see what the questions have to do with math, but don't worry, just put the thought into your answers and great things will come!

Independent Project Reflection
40 minutes IXL - 7th Grade - Operations with Integers (E3)
Due: 10/06

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