Monday, September 15, 2014

7th Grade - Greatest Common Factor

Prime Factorization can be used as a more efficient way to find the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of a group of numbers.

The greatest common factor of a group of numbers is the largest positive integer that can divide all the numbers in the group.

Use your textbook as a resource to help you with the homework -- follow the examples that are given!

You are also starting your budget.  You will list your essential costs (e.g. rent, electricity, food -- the things you NEED).  Once you have your list,  do some research to come up with estimated dollar amount for each item on your list (e.g. $800 for rent/month; $50 for electricity/month)

Exercise 1.3 (page 16) #1 - 2 (a, c, e ONLY), #3
Due: 09/16
Essentials list and costs (from last week)

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